Moleskine Passions Book Journal

I have an addiction.  An addiction to Moleskine notebooks.  If you don’t know what a Moleskine is, here’s a quick rundown.  They are billed as “Legendary Notebooks” that are “flexible and brilliantly simple tools for use both in everyday and extraordinary circumstances, ultimately becoming an integral part of one’s personality.”  I have 4 or 5 Moleskins currently, and I have bought no telling how many through the years. So, when I found out they were creating their Passions line for different topcis, I just had to have the Moleskine Passions Book Journal.  It took going to three different Barnes & Noble bookstores and then finally ordering it from them online before I received it, but it did get to me.

I’ve had it for a little while so that I could put a few entries in and really test it out before I did a review.  The cover of the journal is up to par as far as Moleskines are concerned.  It is a hardback journal with different literary things embossed on the cover.  

I have two entries in the journal so far–The Jane Austen Book Club and Letters to Juliet.  As far as the interior of the journal is concerned, there are pages for each letter of the alphabet (6 to be exact) where you can write about the book you are entering.

This, in my opinion, is the only flaw of the journal.  I dare say that one does not read as many books beginning with “Z” as one reads books that begin with, oh, “S,” for example.  But it is a flaw that is minor and the rest of the journal is still very good.

Below is my entry for The Jane Austen Book Club.  As you can see, you have several sections on the pages for the journal, including pages for the title, author, publisher, quotes, and opinion.

Using the provided stickers I made a section for characters and included the members of the book club and other characters so that if I ever looked back, I could remember who was who.  You also have a set of 5 stars so you can rate each book.  I rated this one a C so I gave it 3 stars.  I chose to color them in.
My page for Letters to Juliet looks quite similar but I changed a couple of things on the page.  You can see where I put some more stickers on there.  Two hearts, one at the top by the title and one at the bottom, since I really liked the book & the movie.  I also included (next to the star) a short sentence or two about the movie.  Since I rated this book as being an A book, I chose to color in all five stars for its page in my Passions Book Journal.
To show a few more things that this journal includes, these are pictures of my chosen tabs as well as one of the pages in the back of the journal.  With the other stickers that were included, you are given stickers to make your own tabs on the blank pages in the back of the journal.  This I really liked.  I chose (so far) to have a Webistes tab, a Communities Tab, a Book Club tab, a Reviews Tab, and a Bookshops tab.  You have many more to choose from, but these were the ones that I thought I’d use the most.  You could also use these for overflow from the regular part of the journal in case you use the six pages you are given for the alphabetical reviews.  
For the websites page, you can see that I have entered my blog (along with the start date, etc.) and the other entry so far that I have is English Major’s Junk Food since I read it a lot.
I would say that the Moleskine Passions Book Journal is a great investment for any book lover.  It is a well made, well designed journal for readers.  I give it a B, only due to the fact that I wish each letter had more than 6 pages!
