Filofax Organization Tote

If any of you are on the Philofaxy website or facebook pages, you’ve probably seen the newly popular organization tote for Filofaxes. If you are into Filofaxes (like REALLY into them) like I am, you enjoy decorating them and having fun with them. Sometimes that obsession leads to other obsessions–washi tape, stamps, sticky notes, etc.–that prompt the need for an organization tote so you can organize your Filofax anywhere!! So, I went on a hunt to find one. I travelled through the seven levels of the Candy Cane Forest–wait, wrong journey… Ok, so I went to Hobby Lobby, Michaels (which is an hour away from me), and both Wal-marts in my town. I finally found it at the LAST Wal-Mart I went to, which is actually the closest store to me–go figure.  Anyway, I bought this great tote for $17 there, and immediately went home to set it up.  It really works great and I’ve actually got it next to me on the couch now.  I decided to make a video, which you can see below, about the tote and how I organize it.  Enjoy!

